Bernard hopelessly trying to keep up with the dress code. This was a farewell luncheon for two members of the advisory committee of a Senegalese NGO dedicated to the education of rural girls. Gina, Tiphaine and I are now also assisting 10000girls. On the left is Viola Vaughn, a very dedicated, dynamic and funny Director "I don't know how it's going to work but it just does" and Rose, also a new committee member.
After a 25 year gap, Bernard is re-learning to
windsurf, but it sure isn't as easy as it used to!
Sunset looking over the Atlantic where wave trains meet and water just spouts up.
View from our new flat overlooking the new monument to the "African Renaissance". The latest presidential folly, to be one inch taller than the statue of Liberty. So there!
Our new patio complete with hammac and Bernard's mini-office on the left.
Our airy, light and spacious living room. The mouse on the floor belongs to the kitties, but they have not learned to put away their toys - yet and forever.
Otherwise, it has been business as usual: Gina managing the Club Atlantique with its share of minor and major crises and Bernard looking for the next job, sending many applications and filling in with a bit of fun, wind and waves permitting.